Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Oh Sandy!

Sandy came & went!! Luckily, we only lost power for 4 hours and had minimal damage. This was def. my favorite image of Sandy...

(via Pinterest)

My thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by the hurricane. While cooped up inside, I was going a little crazy. Since I already have almost everyone room in my house redesigned, I redesigned my china. I didn't receive any of my china as wedding gifts, so I have always wanted to start my own set. This is what I am thinking....

Amazing, right?! Now, I just need about $3,000 to buy 10 settings....Oh well!! 

(Images via Pinterest)

 Oh and I hope everyone has a happy & safe Halloween!!


1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful job you did. And yes, I can see how the before pictures would hurt your feelings. It is such a beautiful, sophisticated "zen" space now. Well Done!you can find more beatiful in
